A tab which you flip upside down when opening a fresh box, this is the tab you smoke last that nobody can have saves on
Mark: Give me saves on that tab bro

Me: No that’s my lucky tab
by Bants124 December 30, 2022
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A blowjob given by popular tiktok star and child predator LuckyAceBlue
Bruh homie just got a Lucky Sucky
by Spellis February 4, 2022
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When your best friend defends you from your other friend, then takes your robotic arm home to freeze, then is encouraged by the friend who lost the arm to jerk off with it.
My best friend and I got into a massive brawl with another mutual friend, and I ended the night with the lucky Bucky
by SattMynowicz October 13, 2020
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The act of getting plastic surgery performed while snorting cocaine in overpriced clothing.
Kim spent $20,000 on a Lucky Scottsdale this weekend at Fasion Square and still looks like shit.
by Hot Franklin December 7, 2021
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When one or more gingers cum inside you. bonus points if you get an STD.
Person One: yo dude I got lucky charmed last night
Person Two: oh shit dude take a test
Person 1 later on: yo let’s go I got gonorrhea
by Danny_Dino June 12, 2022
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Having an orgy with a group of gingers, even when you yourself may not be one.

Also potentially just getting a hickey from a ginger, therefore being turned into their “charm”.
Person 1: dude, Alexa just hooked up with some guys last night!

Person 2: yo, really?

Person 1: yea, she got totally lucky charmed.
by Danny_Dino March 8, 2021
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When you are in between two men having sex, both being penetrated and penetrating someone at the same time.
Last night I was so excited I got to be Lucky Andy, those two guys were so hot I couldn't believe it!
by Ethan Heatherington June 8, 2022
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