A term describing a source that produces a large amount of cringe content.
The term derived spontaneously and does not have a known source.
"I don't like that YouTube channel, it's such a cringe factory"
by DOliphin July 25, 2021
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A term used to describe someone having a major tantrum.
Tom: Dude, Sarah was totally pissed when I told her she didn't need to eat anymore Happy Meals. She had a fit!

George: Man, I bet she had a piss factory fit!
by Aphik November 4, 2010
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A somewhat covert term that conveys the message that you're pregnant. Also effective in a string of other colloquial terms for pregnancy.
Pregnant woman: Guess what dude!
Other person: What?
Pregnant woman:The factory is active
Other person: .....huh?
Pregnant woman: Im preggo, knocked up, there's a bun in the oven, the factory is active. Get it now?
**Other person is stunned speachless**
by T3h father November 10, 2010
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Being in a situation resulting in fingering males butthole until acrylic nails are gone and fingers are pooped on
What happened with Jimmy? I had to go to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory with him.
by Swaggymfman February 9, 2022
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A bad and bouncy landing for a pilot. Porpoising down the runway after initial contact with wheels.
That landing looked like an explosion at a mattress factory.
by Trigeek February 21, 2016
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It’s literally just chocolate on poopoo hole ...
You have charley in the chocolate factory
by Traitor on your mom May 17, 2021
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