Someone who attracts and flirts their best friends Ex’s.
by Pancakeplayer626972 November 20, 2017
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The goit magnet is a man of phenomenal cock wielding abilities. The goit magnet attracts women from near and afar, they are drawn to him like moths to the flame.

A goit magnet is the best pulling partner you will ever have, women feel safe around him and he will draw them in by the hundreds, hot sexy women ready to be seduced by the magnet and all who associate with him.

His womanizing tekkers are unbelievable.
Daniel is a proper goit magnet

Guy 1: Hey look at all of those women over there, what are they doing?
Guy 2: They are gravitating towards some guy, who is he?
Guy 3: Jeez... I think he is a goit magnet.
Guy 1: What a legend!
by faser1987 March 22, 2010
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A person or individual (mostly female) that perform actions that attract pedophiles online.
"That girl is a bloody nonce magnet"
by Sanquo November 6, 2019
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A guy who manages to pick up more skanks than the normal skank -meister.
John's really turned into a super conducting skank magnet. He took three skanks with him when he left the bar last night.
by jb_35m April 5, 2008
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Caucasian, you know how there are no black shark attack victims.
Son, I ain't no racist but don't go in the water with him he's a shark magnet shark bait.
by Annabond August 13, 2015
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