Someone, often a girl (but not only) that dresses and/or acts like a whore.
For example, Dorian Green from Birds of a Feather is 100% a tart.

Tart can be used as an acid remark, a bit like bitch.
It's rude and mean, but often used as a funny joke between friends.
"God, that girl is such a tart.."
"Why? She seems kind."
"Just look at how she dresses. SOOO slutty!"

"God, that guy is such a tart.."
"Why? He dresses normally."
"Just look at how he act. SOOO slutty!"

"Damn, hey tart! It's been a while"
"Biiitch, ikr!"
by Yana <3 February 4, 2019
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A saucy, sassy young woman, who's clever, playful and dresses provocatively. A nubile young temptress.
Woah, that tart shot back the most clever comeback and sexy smile I've ever seen. She won that argument, but I'm not even mad. I WISH I knew her name!
by Fuji Appels May 14, 2020
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V./n. Sucking a fart out of someone's ass and holding it in like a bong rip.
Man, did you see how long that dude held in that tart?! Or...
Man, that guy is such a tart...
by Bragitup April 20, 2017
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When you combine "bitter" and "sweet" with a side of "tang".
This new Big Mac sauce is different, like tart af.
by Donyno August 16, 2019
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An unpleasant odor that someone can have. Similar the word musty.
Mom: Honey, you small tart.
Me: What does that mean?
by PantsOnFire August 14, 2015
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