Sammie is a munch, great guy to be around. Very kind and loving and loves to have a good time. Sammie loves him some older women! Especially freshmen at midway highschool! LOL! Most Sammie’s are fluent in Spanish, such a fun fact right?! Hope everyone has a good night.
Sammie is a munch.
by S.melt May 26, 2023
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Someone that’s acts like everyone wants her but in reality no one loves her.she fakes being depressed so she can miss school she spreads fake rumors and want to ruin your life because she’s a thot and if you know a Sammie frekerson then I feel so bad for you by the time you show her this she’s already telling on your and saying that you said to go kill yourself and you would get detention for a lie this a the best definition of sammie
Sammie is such a thot
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Sammie is the name given to fans of Sam Winchester, from the show, Supernatural. Originating on Twitter, their hardcore attitude and protectiveness over this large moose man is frightening.
A: Dude, did you see these tweets??
B: No. I have "sammie" listed as one of my muted words.
by Korndogg00 March 19, 2021
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An amazing girl. She is kind, funny, smart as well as generous. If you have a sammie in your life, you are one of the lucky few.
"Omg omg it's Sammie!!"
"Wish I could be as cool as sammie."
by A personaaaaaa July 12, 2018
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A cute nickname for a beautiful girl named samantha. Sammie likes to relax and listen to country music. Sammie has a boyfriend who she loves almost as much as church. Sammie is very dedicated to her religious beliefs. She spends multiple hours a day at the church. She is a beautiful flute player and a tiny bit of piano. Most of all sammie is very sweet to her friends. SHe is always there for her friends. At the end of the day everyone needs them a sammie.
by cats_are_kool January 23, 2018
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I wish that Jake Phelps was back. I would make him a Sammie in a heartbeat.
by ThePhelper May 7, 2019
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