Man i put a Pliers cheese up my arse last night god damm it felt good.
by Join the cunt October 9, 2020
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This snack will change your life. One requirement before eating is you must be high on mary jane. Simply take with you a box of cheez its and a container of nutella. Next find a way to put the nutella on or between cheez its. Take a bite. And enjoy as your life is now changed.
"Bro we were so high last night."
"I know right, we ate so much Chocy Cheese."
by eighttoes April 12, 2022
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When multiple guys collect their dick cheese over a long period of time and store it in a sock in a hidden place. (Under bed, closet) before wetting it and letting it ferment for a couple weeks. One then spins the sock around and smacks people with it.
Guy one: Holy shit! Connor got hit with the cheese cyclone.

Guy two: I know! I hit him with it!
by DickCheeseOnToast December 11, 2021
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Requires technique, an undercooked Sonic grilled cheese, and an innately brave soul. When previously mentioned undercooked Sonic grilled cheese is lightly pinched at bottom two corners in ready to eat position and sandwich slowly flops away from mouth. Innate brave soul opens mouth wide and forces floppage toward mouth while simultaneously taking a bite. Grilled Cheese Floppage.
by CherryPie $$$ December 21, 2016
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When you're beezing and you get that mad facial you get that burt's cheese
Jeremih: Yo did you hear Eli hooked up with that pooptart last night?
Nick: Yeah, I heard he gave her that burt's cheese
by OG Cheesebone January 8, 2019
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A dick comparable to a mozzarella cheese stick. They share similar detail including but not limited to height, width, gooey white stuff pouring out. You are ment to put a mozzarella cheese dick in your mouth.
Hey Jarod, Melissa got to suck on my mozzarella cheese dick last night.
by Masongottits January 13, 2021
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