Someone who jumps somebody else's rope
"Yo Gordon is a jump-rope bitch."
by TheUncutPimp November 19, 2022
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You tie a rope to your dick and tie the other end to your girlfriend. You will then have her run off in the opposite direction.
My sausage looks like it has Marina sause after me and my girlfriend did the Tow Rope
by 大男孩子 December 20, 2019
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Defined as the penis when used for anal sex.
Dude, she asked me to put it in her ass... so I gave her that dung rope. Went in white, came out black....
by Memphis123456 March 20, 2019
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Usually used to ask someone if they want to smoke marijuana.
often times it is used casually stern.
Rope Bowls:

Hey kevin, do you want to rope a bowl?

- pops his head in his friends window- "RB."
- friend- " Down "

Teacher- "what are you guys doing over their?"
Karren- " Roping bowls"
by 06macaroni July 27, 2012
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An unspoken, dual-definition phrase invented by two scholars one night. After edibles.

It can mean the following. Either:

1) A person possessing a large member/dong/phallus/dick. Like "packing heat"
2) Holding in a shit real bad to the point you feel it unfurl upon exiting.

Can mean either in the following example:
Person 1: "Where's Jason gone?"
Person 2: "He's holding rope, had to go sort it out"
by Dr. OA PhD. & King KSwizz April 23, 2020
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A polite way of telling someone to fuck off, get shafted, or get bent. Solely to be used in a negative connotation.

Another way of saying Bless your heart.
"Hey buddy why don't you go skin a rope."

"My boss wanted me to work more overtime after putting in a 70 hour week. I told him to go skin a rope."
by Otto B April 14, 2019
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The action of a man shooting cum on their friend after sex.
Him: hey we been friends for awhile now and I’d like to share my ropes of friendship with you

Her: what’s that?

Him: it’s when we fuck as friends and I shoot some ropes of cum on you as a token of our friendship.

Her: game
by 805Mike December 12, 2021
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