Freedom is like a fully tanked Mercedes car.
When the slaves were given Freedom, they felt like they were driving a fully tanked Mercedes.
by Armand Mercedes April 3, 2023
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Freedom is an amazing young women who has gone through alot in her life and overcome many obsticles that has tried to push her back but she pushed through and powered and thats what matters the most dont get me wrong she had her breaking points and felt absolutely miserable during them but in the end she pushed through. She has a big heart and cares a little to much and when she falls she falls hard and gets hurt often but in the end shes always hurt bc shes the one who cared to much.she loves her friends and family and cherishes every moment with them and never takes anything for granted. She didnt have the best life growing up and suffered with not many worthy people in her life but she saw the good in everyone who came in her path and changed them in some way that know one could understand but them two

The ability to do what you want when you want without any regret
by Alexis05 June 19, 2019
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Freedom can be a name or a word in this case it's a word. Now freedom get's made fun of her name and is often called free DUMB although she get's bullied she still get's the guys and is very intelligent.
Person 1: Oh hey Freedom
Freedom: oh hey!
by TByeet January 8, 2020
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"I have the freedom to go to the gym again."

Person 1: "Wanna come to the pub for a beer? It's the weekend"

Person 2: "Can't. I don't have the freedom."
Person 1: "Work?"
Person 2: "I just don't have the freedom."
by poppyknowspop September 10, 2021
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A bunch of weed-smoking snipers who think Chernobyl exclusion zone is a blessing and must be shared with the world. Frequently clash with Duty
Become a Freedom member! Together, we will protect the Zone!
by SerbianSlav December 6, 2020
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Being free does not mean being able to leave the house or having finished the day's homework. Being free means having the possibility to choose.

It means thinking, choosing, talking, and doing things with your own head,without following the thoughts of the other people only because we’re afraid we can say or think something wrong.
Everyone must feel free in their life.

Freedom is often something you want with your whole self, or it can be something that comes when you least expect it.

As a surprise, or a gift.
This is freedom. A feeling that makes us feel like we’re touching the clouds,makes us feel empowered to do anything,relieves that weight from the chest and makes us dream.
That makes us fly.
I’m free to write everything i want or think without being attacked for my opinion. This is freedom of speech.
by thoughts of 02.00 February 14, 2022
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She tested her freedom and sneaked out of her house.
by piscisgirl November 13, 2017
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