The president of the United States who thinks he is smarter than the generals, also racist,sexist,and homophobic! He is usually supported by rednecks who think the confederate flag is piece of decor
Trump is such agreatpresident.
by Jade.45 April 18, 2020
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Telling random people that they're fired for no reason.
by Barack Osama51 August 31, 2015
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1. To get the better of someone by using quick wit and clever humor.
2. Owned (see).
by Miryam Websta April 25, 2004
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When Donald Trump releases your phone number or other personal info to the press.
Did you see the news? I got Trumped today and my cell is blowing up!
by bkrocket July 26, 2015
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1) Double downing on a position that offends large swaths of people while simultaneusly being pressured to retract said position, and subsequently making it clear that you don't give a fuck.
When asked to retract his statement that all Muslims should be banned from the United States, Donald Trump Trumped It like a boss and reiterated that "we have to do something until we can 'figure out' what's going on."

Despite Mike saying that Christians were the reason for America's weak economy while intoxicated, he Trumped It the next day while sober.
by AlbertoatLosPalmos January 30, 2016
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When you hook up with a girl, sneak out after she falls asleep, and have a friend who is dressed fully in a suit (or tux) replace you. When she wakes up next the next morning the friend must look her in the eye, point at her, and say "You've been Trumped, bitch." His testicles may, or may not, be exposed at this point.
Joe Biden: "Been Trumping bitches since them schoolyard days. Where's my goddamn Nobel Peace Prize?"
by DJ Bryguy make them girls cry September 24, 2012
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To be fired.
Did you hear that Donald Trump got Trumped by NBC, Macy's, and other major corporations because Mr. Trump is a racist.
by Liberal1993 August 8, 2015
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