leah is a really cool kitty. if you ever try to mess with her, dw u mess with cole tardy too. she loves her dilfs and she also is amazing dorothy cumulum. #mommalife
“hey who loves cole tardy more than leah holaus?”
“nobody lol, leah loves cole more than you!!”
by ur ma0104 July 11, 2022
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A hot girl who gets all the boys and is a fan of baseball.
"Yo have you seen Leah Granado? "
'Yea she kinda hot."
by Spermin May 9, 2022
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This is the baddest bitch on the planet other wise known as princess leah she can run your for your money like no other
by Bobby34 April 29, 2022
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Hi where do i start?? Leah is liek the best main I could ever have. shes kind, caring, etc. we’ve been friends for 4 months now its just unbelievable. I love her so much, get a Bff named Leah Txh 👌👌
leah bleah fat oig
by alibaleah November 24, 2021
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When somebody is throwing a party and it gets cancelled last minute.
Person 1: "Ite lad, looking forward to this sick party on Saturday! It's gonna be mental!"
Person 2: "Oh sorry man, didn't you hear? It got Leah Kate'd..."
Person 1: "Oh for fuck sake!"
by Livid Urbaner February 12, 2015
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when ur bsf leah is so cool and hot u make an urban dictionary definition for them
lorena: omg im a leah stan!
lucy: same!
ryan: omg so am i!
davian: no way, same!
mateo: me too!
aya: same here!
cass: wow me too!
spyder: yay more leah stans!
majo: yay!

This is satire I promise
by go away toot! July 30, 2021
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A group consisting of Madi, Olive and Leah. We are amazing and have to many inside jokes. I love us, we are amazing. 😘
by xoxpuppyxox December 2, 2018
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