An expression used when something bad happens, usually just a minor inconvenience.
Timothy: "Ah man, the fork is in the ranch!"
Kyra: "What happened?"
Timothy: "I forgot my car keys."
by The Rymuss November 27, 2021
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A mobius fork is a fourth dimensional setting where a decision is made or an event occurs that has multiple possible outcomes, these outcomes fork off the current time line creating multiple new timelines which differ from each other just so, the further from the movies fork you go the more the separate timelines differ from each other
Wow Jenny breaking up with Tim is a pretty big mobius fork in both their lives.
by modrtow August 18, 2015
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When you’re partner is sporking you but the boi is no longer hardened but softened due to major relaxation. So you have to wiggle ur booty to then work the blood back in.
I almost fell asleep when we were sporking, but then I still wanted to fuck so I told them to fork it up for me
by Ohnoimsorry December 19, 2019
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A new form of cutlery used to “eat ass
I need new ass forks mine is covered in shit!
by JTheAssForkMaster October 8, 2019
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a person who adds literally everyone on snapchat, even if they don't know them.
This girl added me on snapchat, whatta fork fairy!!

I don't know her, probably a fork fairy.
by callysfriend March 14, 2017
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It’s a word from back in 890 dc it meant I god is good god is great god is goooodddd glizzy
Bob is pro at fork knife he can eat steak like pros
by Bob is pro fork knife February 26, 2022
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It’s a word to adentify somthing bad. Often used as a better alternative to a sver word.
Bill -“did you see that movie a talkt about”

Frank -“ ye, it was like a forking banana

Bill -“Frank, i don’t think it’s a good idea that we be friends anymore “

Frank -“you were all ways a forking banana Bill”
by Kaptenkalsipp February 20, 2018
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