1. an extremely annoying, inconsiderate noob who posts the same, stale "Fag" joke about Harley riders over & over.

2. one who votes up all the repeated "fag" jokes about Harley riders on Urban Dictionary
the douchebag, homophobic clown thought he was being funny by posting an old South Park "fag" joke over & over again. He was an imbecile.
by Hootchtcha January 12, 2010
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to post a South Park joke as a definition for "fag."
Spamming up Urban Dictionary with copies of a stupid "fag" joke is really faggish.
by Wafflebakessettessies January 30, 2010
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1.)British version of the American cigarette.
Is smoked and contains nicotene and of course, tobacco.
Highly addictive.
2.)Offensive word for a gay person. Is not proved to be offensive, but can be for some.
1.)Mikey lit up his fag as he instant messaged his friends.
2.)Eric looked at the kid across the street and snarled as he called him a fag.
by Kaydea June 7, 2007
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1) A cigarette.

2) An obscene term used to describe a homosexual.

3) A nickname for a fictional character named Methais in a text-based multiplayer roleplaying game called Gemstone.
1) That guy smokes 3 fags a day.
2) What a fag.
3) Why does Haashek have his pants down in front of that fag?
by Jenovadeath October 24, 2006
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1. to post a homophobic joke about Harley riders over & over

2. to think it's funny to post such a joke
The loser South Park nerd posted a fag joke he heard on TV. Because he had no life, he posted it hundreds of times. He was an idiot.
by Frleebocke January 14, 2010
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in our liberal land fag can mean cigarette as well as homosexual. hence lighting a fag is not the crule practice you americans might think.
by fayth June 1, 2005
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any person over the age of 14 who thinks a cartoon joke about "fags" is so great that he spends his time posting & reposting it on Urban Dictionary
The stupid, homophobic South Park nerd pasted an old joke about Harley riders being called fags on line. His life was a pathetic waste of smelly human flesh.
by Reestock January 13, 2010
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