I am madly in love with you
Maria- *walks in*
Me- ‘wow you look pog’
by christianjm11284 October 31, 2020
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A comeback used when someone trys to cut on you peferably for wehn the insult begins with " why".
Damani : "Damn, why you so fat"
Kayla: : " Why you look HIV positive"
Damani: (says nothing)
by YaGirlResaa July 22, 2009
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Worst insult you can say to someone
Person 1: Hello
Person 2: You look like my aunt
Person 1: *Instantly dies*
by Sneekyman69 June 16, 2018
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Whenever you seen a very white boy who looks like an uncooked chicken breast. He's usually mildly handsome. Often has a name from the show SpongeBob. His skin could be used for reflectors on the street, or any other type of illuminating object.
Dang Patrick, you look like a snack!
by jakesnakeyo September 25, 2017
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A term used to call one's mother a whore
Barry - You look like your milkman
Steve - Wha???
Barry - She is cheap I had a go
by Rvenham March 12, 2014
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you look like an ugly monkey with a large posteriour who steals other peoples boyfriends/girlfriends.
Gina stole Jim from Sue. Sue totaly said you look like donkey kong to her.
by cloooooooooooooooooo January 1, 2011
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Come on, why did you look this up? Come and be a, why did you look this up? Oliver, Josh, Jack and Ben. LoL Yolo. 🤗💩🦄😇😱🖕
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