1. same as wtf

2. suggests that you actually said wtf

Usually used with a question mark.
And Australia's still down there like, "Double-yew tee eff, mates?"
by er!ka Dorkface October 1, 2006
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Wtf spelt out how its pronounced. Also, if you want to be proper gangster you could write 'double yew tee ef m8', which adds a certain ring to it.
Person 1: Are'nt you like gay or something?
Person 2: ...
Person 2: Yes V_V
by Div_658 December 6, 2005
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Usually meaning "hate" but in this context it grants you special ability over others, especially when used like so.
Oh hey, did you know I have so much hate?

Oh yes! I do, I have "so much hate for yew" too that my hate meter is over flowing with hate, for yew!

Hate hate hate, hate hate, HATE!
its so hard to appreciate
by Smelly Flaramthopist kitten February 3, 2012
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A massive cock; an unreal human being. Has got looks, personality, game and everything else. The perfect human, almost god-like.
“Look at the Yew Hean on that guy.”
“Wow you are such a Yew Hean, I think I wet myself a little.”
by Alsjcicnedm November 23, 2021
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Kim Yew is the type of guy that wanks in the public disabled toilet, pretty uncommon name, always fall below his sisters. And pronounces words wrongly
Don't be like a Kim Yew, please wank at home
by XiaoTrump97xxx January 4, 2018
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a homophobic who lies every second, gets 0 for his test because he lies too much
Jonathon : "Siang Siang, wanna play with me?"

A Kng Yew Siang's nose is longer than pinocchio
by goneded123 June 17, 2020
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