70 definitions by Liam

1. (interjection) Similar to pwn and the like, this exclamation is used to exhibit defeat of another, usually during some type of gaming session

2. (noun) The thudding bass section of (usually) hip-hop style music, though it can be applied to any style
*headshots opponent* "Beats!" *brings right elbow down on left palm*

"hey man, check out those fly beats"
by Liam February 16, 2004
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The hottest sorority known to man... best looking girls, best dancers, biggest drinkers... a parties not a party unless the AST's are there!
Frat Guy: Holy Shit, look at those hot girls dancing on that table, they must be AST's
by Liam February 24, 2005
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A habit, trait, or custom picked up from a previous sexual and/or romantic relationship.
Brushing my teeth in the shower is a lay-over from Chelsea.
by Liam June 18, 2006
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1 adj: stylish, fashionable, hip

2 v: chillin; to hang out, relax
1. check out that supra, it's totally chezlin

2. i'm chezlin with some girl from friendster tonight, hopefully we'll intermate
by Liam December 11, 2003
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Your ip is:
Please try Hacking this address!
This person is really stupid!!
Hey Dude whats your IP??
Uhmmm, Let Me Check.
errrr, its i think
by Liam June 2, 2004
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Sploot is the descriptive word explaining what happens when you press down with your finger on a marble, or squeeze soap between two hands forcing it to shoot out.

Splooting was coined in the 50's in Bristol by international set and stage designer Rodney Ford
"The chicken splooted out the egg with ease"

"The soap bar skidded across the floor after splooting from my hands"
by Liam April 3, 2007
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the group of black lovin white boiiiiii's. they all live in the white capital of the world barrie, ont. , canada and often refer to eachother as n*ggers. we r the big ballas, boy band lovers. we free style so u better watch out cauz us white boiiii's r going far.
wegro utd the envy of all dem rappas
by Liam November 18, 2004
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