A total loser

Someone who can calculate the cubic capacity of a tin of beans but is unable to work the tin opener.


A four letter abusive expletive you can use in public because nobody knows what it means
That GordenBrown is a total WILF

Brian got pissed last night and acted like a total WILF

You're acting like a WILF
by guzzigeezer December 10, 2009
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stands for William I'd Like to Fuck. generally used when you know a will or a william. can be used for just a generally fit guy who you feel like interacting with.
oh daaaaymn, he is a full-on WILF!
by emmaakins June 8, 2010
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Witty Woman I'd Like to F^&% - WILF
This term relates to a hot chick you work work with whose wit is only surpassed by her beauty.
'Hey Dude, OMG did you see that chick in the office yesterday, what a dress, she looked so hot!'

Reply 'yeah man, she is the hottest babe, not only that she has a wicked sense of humour, what a WILF!'
by ninjahboi July 23, 2011
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Colin Briggs came into my show yesterday, he'sa total WILF!!!!!
by TibbyWibbyTeabag December 12, 2010
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Bastardization of British term wilfing (What was I Looking For)in reference to internet searching. A wilf ninja is one who is particularly adept at internet searches.
"How'd you find that hotel's name in Nepal so fast?"
"Cause I'm a damn wilf ninja."
by G4 June 22, 2007
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Stands for Prime Ministers wife i would like to f***
Wow Samatha Cameron is a PM Wilf
by xtra278 May 15, 2010
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