A weekend spent by yourself at your house or apartment where you have little social contact and possibly smoke some cheeba. Mat sound boring but can be real fun sometimes
Im feeling tired this week im looking foreward to having a Northumerland weekend
by Jordo October 26, 2003
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"Yo did you go to the Weekend Nachos show last weekend?"

"Yeah dude mad pit fatalities."
by dicksneeze October 6, 2008
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The feeling one gets on a Sunday night or Monday (and possibly after) following a good weekend. Symptoms are a sadness to wait a week for the weekend, a need to party/club/etc, depression when you hear a party/club/dance song, the need to go out during the week even if it means disregarding responsibilities, and others of the sort.
Tyler: I'm going to skip class tomorrow.
Will: Why?
Tyler: I have weekend withdrawal, I'm going to find a party.
by DAFWMT September 28, 2011
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When you leave a big loaf in the toilet over a weekend
Hey bob, did you catch a wiff of that weekend steamer someone left over the holiday?
by Limpemall August 13, 2016
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Having to work on both days of a given weekend.
On q4 call, black weekend comes once a month. Then you go to work again on Monday like nothing happened.
by anon43 September 21, 2009
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(verb) The act of propping up a friend who's passed out and can't stand on his or her own.
Dude, you were so shot yesterday after pounding beers at the pool. You passed out in a lounge chair and I had to Weekend at Bernie's you out of the pool area and onto the elevator. I propped you up with my knee. This older couple that got onto the elevator was horrified.

You were passing out but there was no way I was going home without any numbers. I ended up Weekend at Bernie-ing you to two more bars. These chicks I was talking to thought you were drugged.
by M-dubs June 15, 2012
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