What happens to a General Election when your choice on the ballot paper boils down to a choice between the Conservative Party and a conservative party.
Let me get this straight - I live in a Tory majority and my choices are Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem, UKIP or Veritas, and we know the Tories will get a 20,000 majoity even if I vote Lib Dem?
by OD Smith May 10, 2005
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A vote cast by someone who is deceased.
The Newspaper reported that a 170 year old man voted in the past election. That is one heck of a Zombie Voter.
by MKUFAMS1099 November 8, 2020
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Voters who rarely participate in elections, until awakened by egregious political events. Once awakened they are angry and hell-bent on laying waste to their enemies.
Nominating creepy Joe Biden is going to awaken so many dragon voters!

When the Republican dared to blame God's wrath for the tragedy, offering only thoughts and prayers in response, the dragon voters came out in force.

When the New York City government openly trampled first-amendment rights to protest, the dragon voters were roused from their slumber.
by Extreme Outlier May 14, 2020
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A person who votes for progressive candidates and policies because they have made bad decisions in life and they want people who have made good decisions to subsidize their past or continued bad choices.
Far left progressives are mostly just envy voters suffering from learned helplessness.
by DonnySloot October 27, 2020
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Where someone drives you out of state to register to vote so you can vote multiple times and/or illegally. Used to get around voting requirements including felony charges, recent incarceration and/or questionable citizenship.
Did you hear ACORN is having a Voter Drive we's all going to some place called Ohio to vote. They be buying us lunch and everythin'. Maybe we can get some free stuff out of this.
by Robert Dotras October 15, 2008
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The feeling of remorse or regret months after the election. The feeling of why did i vote that way ? Why did i vote for him ?

Usually this feeling hits during tax time of the first year after a presidential election.
Guy1: dude, im going through voters remorse cause i realized i shoilda voted for Sanders !
by Theamazinggeek March 13, 2018
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