Under arm flab, or fat. When older women win during Bingo games, they throw their hands in the air saying "I got a bingo!!!", flapping their arms (and underarms) wildly about in their excitement. Thus causing the wind movement from their "bingo flappers" to eradicate all other bingo players, bingo cards. Game, Set, Match.
" How do I get rid of these Bingo Flappers under my arms?"

" That girl has some serious Bingo Flapping going on over there".

"My god honey, Kristie alley has huge bingo flappers. She must be able to fly around the world!"
by Ironsoulx August 5, 2009
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A dried piece of dog shit that accumulates on near the ass of a dog. The shit flapper will open and close as the dog has to fart, or take an additional shit, much like the cover on the smokestack of a diesel truck.
I've got to cut the shit flapper off my dogs ass, it's starting to crumble onto the floor.
by Johnlange January 13, 2017
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A cross between (69) and doggy style...
Cristina: George

Cristina: George and I had dog flapper last night.
Evan: I know I heard you.
by Noncy steve September 29, 2019
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Used to describe a girls loose pussy lips that clap when she walks.
"Damn that bitch has a huge set of flapper clappers on her."
"Her flapper clappers are so loose you can fit a football through them."
"My brother always takes one for the team, he always gets stuck with the flapper clappers."
by Panadero Saint December 22, 2007
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A woman who unknowingly gets her dress caught in the car door and proceeds on – her garment flapping in the wind.
“Hey, check-out the auto-flapper in the car beside us. I wonder if we should honk and point.”
by Johntoo September 5, 2009
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A sexual act that involves marinating a man's genitalia in cheese, then either cock smacking his sexual partner or receiving oral sex from them.
by Randal J. Graves December 18, 2008
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