Don't worry, your ping is stable.. And next time don't urban "test" check your connection you smart..
by justsay_yes September 13, 2020
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That thing you have tommorow that you forgot to study for
Person 1: Hey, did you study for that math test we have today?
Person 2: Wait, since when have we had a test!
by Blueeagleonthemoon November 2, 2012
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A test is an effort made to test out a solution.
I wrote this as a test
by Mikey303030 November 5, 2007
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something that a dirty boyfriend lies about getting
see also STD
chris said he got a test, but the fucker was lying
by katerina October 21, 2003
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1) A test, you are testing some thing

2) A test in the school
1) TEST, 123... Bwahaha

2) A paper filled with boring questions that you should answer
by XiTER May 26, 2003
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Spec. south london slang

v. To testify in court
"If you test then you die"
by McKenzie January 22, 2005
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1. N. Oral Or written exam
2. N. Test of long term skills
3. V. Seeing if something works (See testing )
4. N. A Zombie with an afro. (See Gilligan's Island )
1. Person 1 : I can't wait for my test!
Person 2 : That makes 1 nerd!
Person 3 : That was the lamest thing I've ever heard
2. Teacher : We have a test on wednesday and you all better study for it!
Person 1 : Hey look at her huge tits!
Person 2 : Why is she so pissed off recently!
Person 3 : She's just going through her period. ***Chuckle
Teacher : Do you have something to say to me? (Person 3)
Person 3 : No Ma'm, I just said you have a nice ass.
Teacher : What???!?
Person 3 : Wait that isn't what I said!
Teacher : I'm giving you a referral!
Person 3 : Yay!
3. I was just about to test my new lowrider, when a freakin' asteroid came down and busted my spinners. Damn I hate having to repair my new ride, I don't have insurance damnit.
4. Oh Snap! Look at all those Tests! We're fucked!
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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