A white girl who has had sex with a black guy. Term is popular in and around Staten Island, NY
by Kibble January 1, 2006
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The word is involved in a joke:

<Dude> What do you call the area between the pussy and the ass?
<man> what?
<Dude> Taint. Taint ass. Taint pussy>
<man> why is it there?
<Dude> So you can carry it around like a six-pack
The area between the twat and the rectal sphinctor.
by Gito man June 3, 2005
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The Area in-between your vagina and your ass.

Bailey's taint has an excessive amount of hair spreading outward to her ass cheeks.
by Jessica VonSchroeder January 24, 2007
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The demilitarized zone between a women's snapper and asshole. Highly effective in keeping your tongue in the right hole when its dark.
David was a little drunk and kind of sloppy when he went down on her. Fortunately before he could get too low, he knew he had hit her taint and with alarm, moved his face north quickly. He had a sense that she was a little disappointed.
by GoldbergDLW November 15, 2007
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T'ain't pussy T'ain't ass
Man I hit a hard spot. That that Taint pussy or ass.
by junks March 18, 2008
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The area located between the vagina and the bunghole. 'taint pussy and taint ass The part of a woman's anatomy that touches the bicycle seat.
"I've ridden this piece of shit bike so far, I have blisters on my taint!!!
by Jaraldo April 1, 2003
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The not so fuzzy region between the browneye and the pink abyss.
Also know as the vaganus.
Riding the unicycle gave my taint a bloody rash.
by TheTaintBandit January 6, 2005
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