A dangerous compound that is placed in the foreskin and known to cause ants.
Oh fuck, I left sugar in my foreskin last night and now I’ve got ants.”
by SexManZay February 28, 2019
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I need some sugar to buy me a new dress.
by Aldana2008 September 3, 2008
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"Holy crap, I got sick by eating too much sugar"
"You're a dumbass then"
by SpottedTheBean December 22, 2017
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A commonly used phrase to indicate usually lustful or prurient desire for sexual affection. To have an intense sexual desire characterized by lascivious thoughts, seductive body movements, strong and potentially offensive language, and an attempt to give that same affection to the lusted-after person.

A well-known band by the name of Red Hot Chili Peppers released an album in 1991 by the name of *Blood Sugar Sex Magick*.The lyrics of this song were written by Anthony Kiedis and portray sex in a variety of lively and explicit yet metaphorically driven and spiritual ways. According to Kiedis' autobiography Scar Tissue, several of the lyrics were written about him and his girlfriend of the time.
“She’s got a sexy body, I really wish she’d give me some of that sugar!”
(Def Leppard) “Pour some sugar on me.”
“I invited Leeann over for some tea and crumpets yesterday afternoon, and she definitely brought the sugar.”
“She’s a real man-eater, maybe she’s got enough sugar left over for me “
by Pankakke.exe January 24, 2021
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To ape on as many raffle tickets to hire your chances on getting an NFT.

Usually to get the W but not pull any Woman.
Person 1: Bro I'm going full sugaR on this NFT Raffle.

Person 2: Make sure you bet big!
by NFT Memer November 27, 2022
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your girl's excuse to flirt with other dudes
him: why were you flirting with him
her: sUgaR maKeS mE gIggLy, i diDnT mEan iT
by big wonton May 19, 2019
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1) n.: a manga and an anime series.

In Sugar Sugar Rune, the protoganists are 2 young girls named Chocolat(pronounced Shocola) and Vanilla that come from a magic world and collect the hearts of human males to become the Queen of the Magic World. On their quest to collect hearts
they encounter an evil wizard named Pierre who tries to kill Chocolat by taking her heart. This has 51 episodes.

I would recommend watching this when you have nothing else to do and you have a taste for animated child prostitutes.
1) So where are you on Sugar Sugar Rune?
Episode 39.
So you got to the part where (*SPOILER*)
I'm going to go back to watching Sugar Sugar Rune now.
by VbPeppermint October 28, 2007
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