SORRY! is a fast paced 3v3 drinking game. 5 ping pong balls and 12 cups (filled with water). To play, each team stands on opposite sides of a beer pong table and sets up 6 cups in a horizontal line (parallel to the end of the table of which the players are standing). Each cup is numbered in order from 1 to 6. The goal of the game is to make all of the opponents cups in order. So the 1 cup must be hit before the 2 cup. The 2 cup must be hit before the 3 cup and so on and so forth until all 6 cups have been hit. However, if someone miss throws and hits out of order it is considered a SORRY! and ALL the cups are replaced. For instance, a team is shooting for the 5 cup (only 2 cups left) and accidentally hits the 6 cup. The other team will then yell "SORRY!" and replace the 4,3,2, and 1 cup.

Before the game, a punishment must me decided for the losing team. Can range anywhere from shot-gunning a beer to taking s shot of liquor.
Me and my friends were playing an intense game of SORRY!. My team was shooting for the 5 cup but I was out of it and accidentally hit the 6 cup. It was the worst SORRY! of my life.

We eventually lost and they made me shotgun a beer and then dance with my shirt off to the song "Graduation" by Vitamin C.
by 7Raulpie July 12, 2010
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A condescending and insincere apology offered before telling someone that he/she is wrong, usually instead of explaining why the person disagrees with the other party. Often accompanied by derisive laughter and/or mansplaining .

As a bonus, this makes people angry, allowing the Sorry But guy to claim that he can't listen anymore until they calm down.
Jane: I think Obama's doing a pretty good job, all things considered.
Bobby: (chuckle) Sorry, but you're wrong.
Tom: Dude, cut that out. Everyone thinks it's really annoying.
Bobby: Sorry, but I'm going to keep doing it anyway.
by dognamedcat June 14, 2010
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a temporary feeling of remorse that is often overused. also a word that no one ever believes anymore because of its misuse as well.
Girl: Why are you talking behind my back? You believe someone other than me and said I like this one sophomore kid?

Guy: I'm sorry. I will never do it again

Girl: I don't believe in sorries any more. I give people many chances and they always say sorry. Fuck you I dont think we should be friends any more. You said sorry one too many times
by anonymous_kid_204 April 12, 2010
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Something Donald Trump preemptively says after saying.... well anything that normal humans realise is offensive. And generally untrue. Except in Donald World.
Oh, see? And now I'm fired! That's the cold, hard truth of immigration! Well there's only one immigration policy that I believe in, and that's fuckin' them all to death! the students gasp I'm just sayin' what everyone here's thinkin', kids! Sorry not sorry!
by Twee Pop March 15, 2016
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Sorri is a word developed in southern New York that is generally used in reference to something that is pitiful and embarrassing; sorri time is the common phrase that's used, and it's colloquial uses are very broad.
When Tobi had her son Ben and realized he was mentally retarded, the doctor quickly responded to the shocked look on her face by saying "looks like you have some sorri time ahead".
by Gabriel Murayama February 17, 2010
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Something to say so you won't get your balls cut off by pissed off girls.
Guy: I'm sorry!
Girl: Okay *doesn't cut balls off* :)
by teensora March 19, 2008
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