An action that generally refers to dancing.

Shredding is usually defined as the movement of the body, usually but not necessarily rhythmic and to music.

Shredding can be participatory, social or performed for an audience, but is more commonly performed on an individual basis.

Shredding can executed to any form of music, but is more commonly associated to the genre of House music, and more specifically to the sub-genres of House music, namely Tech-House and Techno.
"I can't wait to go out this weekend and just shred..."

"That DJ was so good, I couldn't stop shredding all night..."
by TheTopCat August 19, 2009
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As a male, to call a fellow male attractive without coming across as homosexual to your peers and the subject of your complement.
Mate, you look bare shred today yeah.
I wish I was as shred as him.
Justin Bieber is not shred.
by wishiwashisushi November 16, 2010
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to go play snowboards -- on the mountain, streets, wherevas goood
by p.b. March 4, 2012
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Shredded:when you high as fuck and you know your not coming down for a long ass time
Guy1: wanna nother hit?
Guy2 nah but thanks I’m absolutely shredded dude...
by October 19, 2020
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to be salted, or insulted
guy 1: man i have so many friends everone likes me

guy 2:huh? no nowon likes you, you have no freindss. do us all a favor and die.....shredded
by thecoolkidfromdownthestreet April 26, 2009
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Kayaking: Surfing a gnarly wave with grace and style.
Dude you totally shredded that wave! Nice endo by the way!
by shum February 21, 2003
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A word coined by a group of teens in the Seattle area. It quickly caught on and now hundreds, maybe thousands of teens in the Washington area are now using the word in a variety of ways.

1) Something cool, to be envious of.

2) To be wasted, trashed, drunk...

3) To be high or tripping, especially on hallucinogenic drugs.
1) "That new t-shirt is so shredded, man!"

2) "Aw, man. You were so shredded last night! How you feeling this morning?"

3) "I'm shredding so hard right now!"
by art-freak17 August 18, 2009
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