Derivative of "another" usually used when someone says "that's a whole nother issue" or something along those lines. The correct way to say it is "a whole other issue". "Another" translates to "an other", but people mistakenly believe it translates to "a nother". When you put a word like "whole" in-between "an other" the "an" changes to an "a" because "whole" starts with a consonant instead of a vowel.
That's a whole nother issue
by allthehoopla December 15, 2007
That's a whole nother story
by snarkey June 12, 2004
additional, extra, supplemental
Kara is very happy, because she won't have to take a whole nother semester of geology and because she loves Cody.
by K-Fur December 2, 2008
by p-tr|ck January 25, 2009
A texan bastardization of "another". Used in context with "a whole..." when "other" would sound dumb.
by Operator July 2, 2004
by isochrona August 28, 2003