An adjective used to describe a drug or psychedelic mushroom that would give one visions or disorient their perception of what's around them.
Commonly known hallucinogens being LSD (acid), Amanita Muscaria (Super Mario Toadstool Mushroom), or even Salvia (Legal).
That which is hallucinogenic does NOT all have the same effect. Some have different side effects and some could make you hallucinate differently. An Amanita Muscaria mushroom (containing Ibotenic Acid/Muscimol) would make you trip differently than any Psilocybin containing mushroom.
Commonly known hallucinogens being LSD (acid), Amanita Muscaria (Super Mario Toadstool Mushroom), or even Salvia (Legal).
That which is hallucinogenic does NOT all have the same effect. Some have different side effects and some could make you hallucinate differently. An Amanita Muscaria mushroom (containing Ibotenic Acid/Muscimol) would make you trip differently than any Psilocybin containing mushroom.
"Dude, my mom took some hallucinogenic shrooms and thought I was a walking, talking joint."
Chemistry Teacher - Students, today we are going to learn how to extract and condense LSA into LSD
*the next day*
Chemistry Teacher - Does anyone else see that unicorn in the back of the room?
Chemistry Teacher - Students, today we are going to learn how to extract and condense LSA into LSD
*the next day*
Chemistry Teacher - Does anyone else see that unicorn in the back of the room?
by TheFreshnessMaker October 31, 2009
A type of drug that produces Hallucinations, whether they be auditorial or visual. A Hallucination is something that inst real but you are aware of it by seeing/hearing it, so Hallucinogens create sites and sounds that arent real.
My second time taking LSD, a Hallucinogen, i store at my ceiling and hallicunated beautiful girls faces swirling around in geometric patterns, changing colors.
by Endless Night October 29, 2006
Classes of psychoactive drugs that can cause subjective changes in perception, thought, emotion and consciousness. They are often (atleast in my experience) feared by most usually due to being uneducated about them. They typically have low to no detrimental side effects and are used for a variety of purposes like religion, meditation, self exploration and improvement, fun, and I'm sure many others. Many of these "Drugs" are naturally occurring and have been used for many, many years by many cultures such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and a variety of cultures. If you're thinking about doing them, not that this is an endorsement as they are certainly not for everyone, you should probably be familiar with it's effects, proper dose, and be prepared for the possibility of the infamous "Bad Trip". They should be taken in a safe, comforting environment while under the supervision of a "Sober Buddy" if possible. On a side note, not a bad idea to keep condoms on you and stay away from knives. Wish someone would have told me that... what a great time <3
by Insideoutofme October 10, 2011
Hallucinogens give colors voices in the eye of the users.
A hallucination is color speaking to the user.
A hallucination is color speaking to the user.
by zanderfin November 5, 2019
Another word for psychedelic drugs. Some make things wavy and walls breath. Others make things swirl and drip. Some make you feel small, others make you feel big, as ten feet tall qualifies as a giant. Some make you emotional and giggly, provoking insights into people in the world. Others make you analytical and Mr scientology. Then you have the rest that do who knows what, ask the people that know more.
by Solid Mantis March 11, 2016
by Shougo July 20, 2024