A word only used by 10 year old who don't even know the actual definition of the word, yet only do they realize every time they use that word they're making themselves look retarded.
Fuck off , you're so retarded.
by youfuckingcunttbh April 15, 2017
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Mental people; although its also a very articulate way to define someone who is very intelligent and sincerely responsible and mature.
retard has many definitions,

1) Dumbass

2) Mental
3) Foolishly funny
4) innocent

5) love and appreciation

And further more definitions.

retarded is commonly used amongst, friends. Its a nice way to refer to a close friend or family member .
Example 1 ) "My head hurts, i am retarded, OOOF."
Example 2) "hUmAn YOuR So FunNY , GOsh yOuR ReTardEd"
Example 3) " I love you, you retard"
Background info: love mommy and father, dont do drugz, dont do what my very very very very veryx infinty friend spfia would do.
by The_lil_potato_;3 March 26, 2018
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retarded a insensitive and hurtful slur that is often used against people who have autism or down syndrome or learning disabilities its never okay to call anyone who is autistic or has down syndrome retarded
andrew and his brother are sitting in the school cafeteria together before school a mean student says that andrew is retarded andrew’s brother yells my brother is not retarded he is autistic how insensitive of you to call my brother that i should beat your ass into the ground for saying that about him
by the autistic swimmer November 11, 2022
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1. A genetic disorder that is caused by a mutation, it's an extra chromosome generally number 21, it comes with down syndrome.

2. A internet term that means "Stupid".
"Your retarded!"
"Says the one who didn't put you're."
by SpotTheGamer27 December 7, 2017
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(1) Generally a mentally handicapped person, with an IQ rating of below 80. As such used a general insult of intelligence. This can also be used with brief mental impairment resulting from alcohol or drugs.

(2) A female who induces stupification in all males who gaze upon her.

(3) Anything excepional, fantastic, or otherwise so good that it causes a brief period of mental impairment in the participant. e.g.
(1) "Retards ride the short bus, but they seem to like it."
"I got retarded at that party, a bottle of tequila, pot brownies, and a ball of coke!"
"I was roofie-grade retarded after eating all those Valiums last night."
(2) "Did you see that girl? She was so retarded I was drooling on myself!"
"She's too retarded for me, I swear I'd be speaking like a caveman if I managed to get close enough to talk to her."

(3) "His new car is retarded, I'm so jealous."
"That concert was retarded. I couldn't believe my ears."
by -=KrZ=- June 1, 2003
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1. Something that is messed up
2. An insult
3. Something that's stupid
1. *looks at poster that's falling off wall* That poster's retarded
2. OMG your face is so retarded
3. Homework is so retarded
by Livvyxoxo April 27, 2014
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1. 4/5 of the dumbasses creating "definitions" of this word.

2. slang word for "silly, funny, stupid, etc"

3. an term disliked by politically correct people, such as your parents maybe.

4. people with lack of common sense, imagination, sense of humor, or whatever that pisses you off about them when socializing with others.

5. anyone who has read definitions 1 through 4 and "still doesn't\don't get it."
I no hi ain't collin' mi returded, ryght?

Kim laughed, "i swear, ya'll be actin' retarded sometimes!"

Boy: "hey mommy look, it's that retarded kid again!"
mom: "honey, don't call him that. say he's "mentally challenged" okay?"

"I hate that guy, eh. he's fucking retarded, eh!"

"i'm sorry, you're just too retarded for me to help you any further."
by Lord Jimarou February 9, 2009
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