When riding in a car, someone feels an extreme need to take a dump, so much that the turd is moving in and out of the anus.
"Daddy' please pull over, I'm prairie doggin' !"
used in Saturday Night Live
by cliff November 20, 2003
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That special moment when a person really, really, really has to take a dump. It is so bad the shit is poking up like a prairie dog in and out of his hole.
I've got to find a bathroom fast, I'm prairie dogging it.
by JSP March 19, 2005
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The best city in all of Minnesota. One of the richest cities in Minnesota. A lot of sports superstars live in Eden Prairie. Also has the best highschool. The football team is a dyansty. No one can stop it. Cake Eaters got nothing on Eden Prairie. Everyone just hates on Eden Prairie because they are sooooo damn good.
"GOD! I hate Eden Prairie. They are so good at everything and smart cool! I Just want to be like him", said the cake eater.
by epninerniner March 7, 2008
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When your feces starts bobbing itself in and out of your anus because you have to take a big shit but can't find a bathroom and can barely hold it in. Similar to a prairie dog popping in and out of the ground
Dude, I gotta take a shit so bad I'm prairie dogging it
by poopchamp January 10, 2007
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A Gay Cowboy. Most of them live in North and South Dakota.
Joe: look those to guys over at the bar.
Tim: Yeah that one looks like a prairie fairy to me.

Joe: I though he had a wife!
Tim: She is just a cover for him.
by Jkade January 15, 2010
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"Prairie Jew" is an ethnic slur directed toward the Amish, because of many similarities between their strange customs and manner of dress with Jews, their habit of fucking "The English" (i.e. everyone who isn't Amish) in business dealings, their use of non-Amish to carry out tasks that are contrary to their beliefs (cf. Shabbat Goys in the Jewish community) and their antiquated belief system itself.
I just went to that Prairie Jew department store in Shipshewana - everything is outrageously expensive, and they had Prairie Goys working the cash registers so they wouldn't have to use electricity.
by NorthernHoosier1 April 27, 2011
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