In more recent times the word Pizzle has become an alternate word for a pistol.

The most common usage for this definition is with players of a game known as Call Of Duty 2 on Microsofts XBox 360 games console. Within the huge number of people playing the game exists a group of 'dedicated gamers' whose idea of a good time is to "whip out their pizzle's" and chase one another round and round a computer generated rendition of second world war France. The pre-virtual definition of the word pizzle is not lost on these people, and the fact they still play these games characterises their sense of humour.
Let's play another pizzle only match!
by WarHammmer April 14, 2006
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The reproductive organ of a Bull that is manufactured into a whip.
Feel my Pizzle bench boy.

I got some pizzle for your loud mouth.

Crack that pizzle.

My pizzle’s got you by your nizzle chicken. How bout them PLT’s You can’t handle this pizzle girly man.
by GKPizzle*** April 26, 2010
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The art of being owned.

A term commonly used in the game Counter Strike: Source as a replacement for the overused term "owned"
1. "Yo Guitar just got his ass pizzled!"

2. "Did you see that scrim on Matt and Dan's Server?! The 860 pizzled their asses!"
by ratt90 October 12, 2009
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Another way to say piss, the ganster way to say piss.
by blank February 21, 2004
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slang word for Fells Point, an area in Baltimore City known for its many bars and night life
Sorry I couldn't make it tonight, I decided ladies night at a bar in Fells Pizzle would be more fun.
by Gallowayknowsbest December 15, 2011
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Of or pertaining to pills or rolls.
Can I have a pill my nigger.
"Lemme get a pizzle nizzle"
by Spreg spreggin March 19, 2004
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adj. Excessively bossed around by a boyfriend or husband; overly submissive to a male
"That biatch is so pizzle-whapped that she won't even go to the bathroom without checking with her boyfriend!!"
by Ojay Krunk March 19, 2004
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