soulful laughter. often accompanied by convulsions. often brought on by poking fun at the man.
cedric the entertainer makes me niggle so hard that colt 45 comes out my nose
by Avi Ehrlic January 14, 2007
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The unhuman-like jiggling of the gluteus maximuses of african american women in rap videos.
That niggle jiggle got me all messed up.
by dem BuckwheeT May 3, 2009
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An obese, black infant or black child.
My cousin married a black man, and now they have four piggle niggles running around the house.
by theniggleguy June 30, 2013
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Brett: Jeff you're an asshole why did you smear your shit on that black lady's coat?

Jeff: Cause ima niggle miner!
by Sur August 28, 2007
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A Niggle Giggle is that laugh a nigga makes that lets you know they just heard or saw some REALLY funny shit. Often sounds like a bottle of Windex being sprayed.
Nigga #1: Ay nigga.

Nigga #2: Wuss poppin cuddy

Nigga #1: Look at that nigga with the goofy ass hat over there

Nigga #2: *upon seeing the goofy ass nigga’s hat* Oh shit HahahaCHK CHK CHK CHK CHK CHK

Nigga #1: Bruh what the fuck was that laugh? You just let out a fuckin Niggle Giggle.
by J Diggity Dawg March 27, 2018
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A Niggle Knock is a person of the black persuasion who happens to enjoy niggle knock activities, such as: Domino's, street dice, aggressive rap, poorly cooked chicken, women who are at least 70 pounds overweight and talking loudly regardless of the circumstances.
Look at that niggle knock, he's had far too much chicken.
by Hairy Jewospher July 13, 2010
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