When two people have sex for so long and hard that the ceiling drips water.
My girlfriend and I did a Newfie raindance last night and we had to use wet/dry vac to get all the water up.
by GonzotheGeek August 3, 2022
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When two people have sex so long the walls start sweating and the ceiling starts raining
Me and my girlfriend did a Newfie raindance last night and had to mop the floor and put the bed out to dry
by GonzotheGeek August 22, 2022
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An Australian fisherman that shares many common cultural traits of Canadian Newfoundlanders
Lord t’underin’ by’s, dat Surf Newfie can drink me mudder under the table
by Bill Clinton’s Cigar April 7, 2021
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Pressing closed one nostril while forcing the contents of the open nostril out from the expulsion of air from a well filled set of lungs.
"Did you just Newfie snot on the floor?"

What?!? I was plugged up and it was bothering my breathing. Do you have a tissue?
by The Caper April 17, 2021
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Any person born on the island of Newfoundland, off the east coast of Canada. Short for Newfoundlander.
by Newfie Lady May 3, 2021
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