Despite what some may say, Neopets is the best ever virtual pets website invented. You get to pie clowns, rip people off, and starve overly-cute fuzzy little surreal freaks to death! What better way to spend a Saturday?
See you in Meridell!
by Lumpkin June 24, 2005
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Online game started by two English folks. Quite fun I must say, but it takes a lot of time to play and maintain your pets.
Pets generally somewhat resemble real animals, but with a few quirks.
Neopets wouldn't hire me, so France Telecom did...
by ::analogue:: September 9, 2004
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a website that is made up by 99.98% of white and asain fags/fugly ass people with no effin life.
1-LOL you'r such a n00b.
2-Donate to my fund? 1np/11mil
3-I'v been up for the past 21 hours restocking. I'm doing the same tomorrow.
4- Bob : How long you play neopets for daily?
Kelly : 18 hours
by travisz February 12, 2007
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I have been a member for five years and have not had any problem on neopets at all. It seems like to me the people complaining are the ones who cause trouble or who dont want to work for the neopoints. The rules are strict but they are that way to keep the site clean or atleast try to.
have been a member for five years and have not had any problem on neopets at all. It seems like to me the people complaining are the ones who cause trouble or who dont want to work for the neopoints. The rules are strict but they are that way to keep the site clean or atleast try to.
by loulou January 26, 2005
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Neopets is the greatest virtual community in existance. Dispite what a handful of people say, it is NOT dominated by adverts and comercialization, adverts appear on the site to prevent users having to pay to use Neopets. It was founded in 1999 by Adam Powell and Donna Williams, and has expanded to over a billion users worldwide.
The rules on Neopets are fairly strict, but by no means hard to follow; you ARE allowed to have more than one account, but not souly to make neopoints (this is only allowed on your main account), you are not allowed to post offensive comments on the message boards, and the list follows on fairly straight forwardly.
Neopoints (commonly abreiviated) to np is the national currency of Neopets.
Common abbreiviations:
TNT = The Neopets Team
NP = Neopoints
LDP = Lost Desert Plot
AC = Altador Cup
by Levkovski August 3, 2006
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A very addictive virtual pet website. This website is freakin' awesome. You can create up to 4 virtual pets and costomize them by choosing their name, color, species, and more. Neopets has a lot more activites besides taking care of your pets. For example: guilds (A fun pirvate themed club that you can own or join. You can post on guild the board or take part in activities that your guild has. You can only make/own one so choose wisley), shops (buy fun items with your nps), games (earn nps to buy items), more games, games, and a little more games, boards, private messaging, and sooooo sooooo much more!
Create a account a start the fun today!
by TheGreatDaftOnes July 28, 2005
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Neopets was created for UNI students way back in the 90's. UNI students couldn't own pets, so how about a virtual one!?
Over the years, many websites marapets have actually copied the site. I love neopets. Its fun when you are bored, and great for hand eye coordination.
I dislike people who hate neopets. I love it. And many people do as well.
Marapets: Come on friends, lets go and put a costume on our pet! The look great when they are drawn by 3 year olds!

Neopets: We have actually HIRED staff who CAN draw.. so sad.
by Marapetsislame April 27, 2007
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