2 definitions by TheGreatDaftOnes


A very addictive virtual pet website. This website is freakin' awesome. You can create up to 4 virtual pets and costomize them by choosing their name, color, species, and more. Neopets has a lot more activites besides taking care of your pets. For example: guilds (A fun pirvate themed club that you can own or join. You can post on guild the board or take part in activities that your guild has. You can only make/own one so choose wisley), shops (buy fun items with your nps), games (earn nps to buy items), more games, games, and a little more games, boards, private messaging, and sooooo sooooo much more!
Create a account a start the fun today!
by TheGreatDaftOnes July 28, 2005
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the specials

The Specials were one of the bands that defined two-tone ska music. They reached their peak in the late 70's/early 80's. Later in the 80's when they began to go downhill, three of the members left to launch their own band. The remaining members, including Jerry Dammer, went on to try and continue their career, but they weren't very successful. Some of their songs include Little Bitch and Too Much Too Young.
Look them up and listen to their songs because they are interesting.
by TheGreatDaftOnes July 4, 2005
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