The coolest, most real, ultimate bruh in the game.
See what he did? He definitely the nay nay nigga of this sport.
by @fadedndayton December 27, 2016
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British form of va-jay-jay meaning vagina.
Treyc: Have you seen my keys anywhere?

Latoya: Did you check your fa-nay-nay?

Treyc: Oh yeah! Found them.
by Marina.Robyn October 15, 2010
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1. Slang for Penis in the same way Va-Jay-Jay is slang for Virgina.

2. Another word for Penis, a way to say Penis without most people knowing what you're talking about.
Girl 1 - Damn! That guy's pants are so tight I can see his huge Pa-Nay-Nay!

Girl 2 - I know! I would love to suck on that Pe-Nay-Nay!
by Len Dog April 11, 2010
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a slang term for penis-a man's private. Used if you dont want anyone to know what the hell you are talking about!
I had sex with this guy and he had a 10 inch long pa-nay-nay
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Slang term for the word Bananas, meaning crazy, wild, or out of control.
1. Don't sleep with that girl, she's Ba nay nay.
2. Did you see the football game last night? That game was Ba nay nay!!
by I hate Rye Bread October 14, 2011
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