Guy 1: Hey can I borrow your-
Guy 2: HEZ NAW!!!
by Pseudonymsawsf December 23, 2008
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Blank slang for under No circumstances. Its not happening
"Can i borrow some gas money?
Hell naw!!
by RyBabe23 February 5, 2012
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meaning "hell no" for the ghetto folks!!
R those Bugle Boy Jeans Ur Wearing?

Hell Naw Ho, U know dey POLO!!!
by billy d ocean February 15, 2005
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When someone asks a question and you want to clown them because the question was stupid as hell.
Pretty much if someone asks you a question and you mean the opposite of the first word.
Joe: Can I have a bite?
Mama: yeah naw
by adsasdasd December 24, 2019
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Dan: That was awesome!
Tyler: Reekris!
by dirtygrubz December 3, 2011
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It simply means "hell naw", but it really means "no."
It's used to describe surprise and opposition towards a comment and/or situation. usually in a major way
WOMAN: I need a huge favor.
MAN: What.
WOMAN: Will you pay my rent and bills? I'll give you something to make it worth your while.
MAN: HELL TO THE NAW!!!!!!!! You just gonna use me, then set me up.
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant May 21, 2005
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