When one is rendered incapable of free movement by a feline friend asleep on one's lap
"Oh sorry darling, you'll have to do the dishes as I've been mogged!"
by melonsqueezer January 25, 2015
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Half man Half dog. Can be seen chasing cars downtow Calgary. Also Biting womens ankles. RUFF RUFF
Holy fuck look at the MOG chase that car.
by chris urban December 15, 2003
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adj.- Multiple Orgasm Giver.

can also be used in the past tense as a verb., i.e. MOGed.

can also be used as MOGer.
1. "Did you hear what Allison said today?" "Yeah Trent isnt called MOG for nothing."

2. Dude she just got MOGed.

3. There is a MOGer walking there, i can see it in his eyes.
by Scared half to death twice August 5, 2008
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crazy ; raw ; insane ; ohdee ; amazinq.
that was mog yo ! ; i had a mog day !
dawggg that ish was so mog . (:
that song was mog.. like nicki minaj !!

by ashx3andyx3rach June 26, 2010
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Slang from Norfolk (the county in England not the city in Virginia) and it means to trudge laboriously over snow. See also trampoosing.
I’m mogging over to Joe’s, he’s been freeze distilling his apple wine.
by AKACroatalin January 9, 2017
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Someone who has been gay but doesn't want to be.But still masterbates to guys.
Oh Shit that still likes to mog
by Mr.X March 29, 2004
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damn man, that damn mog's comin' after me man!!! no, no.. NOOOO!
by rob the rabbit May 14, 2003
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