Sarcastic response to an annoyingly positive person or situation.


With the addition of "to you to" at the end it becomes a smart ass'd response to a miserable or negative person or situation.
by Creativecaveman November 3, 2020
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a ghetto way of getting someone's attention in a hallway. first said by a black guy in a mchs hallway, and thought cool by kellie n brittany
by Brittany April 17, 2005
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a ghetto way of getting someone's attention in a hallway. said first by a random black guy at middle creek high school. thought to be cool by kellie and brittany.
"Hakuna Matata Motha Fucka. Wait for me!"
by Brittany April 16, 2005
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Meaning “Can I fondle your breasts
Either male or female tits
Hay Ashley. Can I hakuna your matatas?

Hay Dave. Can I hakuna your massive man matatas?
by 7472638 July 13, 2019
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When you are fucking a girl on her period stick your finger in her vagina and rub your finger on her forehead like simba from lion king
I hakuna matata her last night when we are in bed together.
by Jordibelford June 13, 2022
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A phrase widely introduced and ingrained in our childrems subconsciouses that translates roughly to the slang term, "fuck it".
I have so much homework to do so Hakuna matata.
by SladeTheRobber January 6, 2019
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