When you suck your teeth out of embarrassment/tolerance
Boy: Yo brb. Forgot my keys
Boy 2" *Mch*
by themch December 18, 2014
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It's basically a noise that you make when a certain individual makes a boring and dumb claim.
Ben Dover: dude you got some Gatorade? i'm fuckin' tired.
random sick bastard: yeah. but i don't got it right now.
Ben Dover: mch.
by shitstack11 July 2, 2020
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The illest bad rapper who grew up in back bay and now lives in a Mini Village
"Yo whos that ill new rapper whos hit single 'rap smart'is gonna be burnin up tha charts?"
"Yo thats MCH"
"Fo shizzle"
by Brian May 21, 2003
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The best damn rapper ever he could beat 50 cent in a rap battle. He even knows the truth (meaning pierce)
by MCH numba1 fan May 23, 2003
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no 1 could ever take nothing from MCH. hes the illest rapper dat ever wrote songs, had his rets pay a whole lot of money so he could make CD's that have to be copyed by some one else so they will ever be sold, because MCH is 2 much of a pussy to sell them his slef. And then when the kid who basily stold MCH's cd sold them, made and kept all the money MCH did nothing. MCH is the illest rapper that ever went through all the shit. He came from the Back Bay also. Now we know where he gets all the Thuggen lryics from his song. But watch out MCH is known to hang out with a pretty crazy black kid who is knows to put on a thong and dance for the camra once in a wile. So dont make MCH madd.
by !@#$%^&*() June 9, 2003
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Stated when the action of texting via the use of a cell phone has compromised your ability to spell words.
Man: Dood, gesss wut?
Bro: What?
Man: 2 mch txtn mx U a b@d spllr.
Bro: I see...
Man: Eye C U 2.
by gawn June 2, 2009
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Shit place, Shit people (not my friends) Shit educational system
by Ravozhon(School) June 29, 2022
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