A special gathering or sleepover that takes place in a building from dawn 'till dusk, or 12 hours. At the beginning you're doing a bunch of activities and games, watching the movies the chaperones provide, until usually 9 hours in. And at this time everyone becomes either testy, zombie like, hyper, or bored. Usually the activities cease (except for the video game tournaments and the movies) and everyone falls asleep or just talks about a boring subject. By this time the food is all gone, so everyone is scavenging for any scrap of sugar.
The lock-in started at 7 pm and ended at 7 am. I think I passed out at 4 am.
by TestyWhenHungry April 23, 2011
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1)to be under really strict, severe obligations or rules
2)to have somebody under control
1) \"Yo,i can\'t go outside man, my parents got me on lock, unda sum really strict shit yo.\"

2)Girlfriend:\"Come here, now!\"
Boyfriend: \"Im coming, sorry i can\'t go right now\"
Boyfriend\'s friend:Damn dawg she got u on lock
by vh_bkbombshell April 27, 2005
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The face one makes when someone takes a picture of their face up close, or one takes a picture of his/her own self close up, hence "locking in" the face they're going to rock in the picture.

Also see "hot face" and "hot check"
Dude 1: Hey man im gonna take a picture of your face!

Dude 2: Hold on let me lock it in
by Phil Cook November 20, 2007
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Oh shit, Locke just shunned me from #central.
by Anonymous January 20, 2004
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John Locke is not the bald dude from Lost. John Locke is an English Philosopher who even influenced the American Declaration of Independence.

"omg john locke is so awesome"
"oh yeah, I read his book."
"omfg they have Lost books?"
"You lost your book?"
"What book?"
by g f b February 27, 2008
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when you have your boyfriend or girlfriend wrapped round your little finger.
i told him walk the ten miles to my house and he did because he is "on lock"
by deb July 1, 2003
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