relaxin, chillaxin

kickin' it implies shoes. kick off your shoes
next quarter's schedule allows me an hour to just kick it in the mornings
by Anonymous February 16, 2002
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Things or activities. Taken from "We did this for kicks". Has nothing to do with the action of kicking.
"Hey, how's kicks?"
"The kicks are great today."
"Good kicks, man, good kicks."
by Hillary December 28, 2005
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The sprint finish at the end of a foot race.
Geb ran the last 200 in 25.1. What a kick!
by Markkimarkkonnen November 27, 2005
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1) To hang out
2) To use your leg to knock the ish outta someone
3) Slang for a Sidekick
1) Aye, lets kick it tonight
2) Im gonna kick you in your face
3) Yo that chick got a LG V..bust out your kick son!
by versace December 16, 2006
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klance is motherfucking canon king baby! honestly we been knew.
I just watched voltron and yep, you were right KICK
by sheisabi July 17, 2018
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Term given to anything deemed less than satisfactory, or unfit to be used. Anything not in good condition and should be disregarded as junk. Used mainly in North Central Regina to describe exes,crews,product.
I seen your ex the other”
“Yeah? She still looking kicked in?”

“Who’s kicked in ride is that?”
by Samsonog March 31, 2018
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"Cop the Key for 10 to 12, my Mexican friends got that Yayo, break it down into quarter kicks and proceed to make that mail." - C-Bo feat. Master P. That's How We Break Bread
by DonGeorgeo January 9, 2010
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