Indie Kids are not the pretentious college twats that shop at Hollister and Topshop. They are people with a love for individually produced media that show an interest in art and other similar forms of expression. This is perhaps because it is avoiding the rat-race, hence the 'indi' part of the identity. Despite the new forming popular beliefs stemming from British high school and College students, they are not part of popular culture, rather, the name 'indie' or 'hipster' has been taken to embody a different meaning. An indie kid may be seen as precocious, due to the fact that they have an extensive vocabulary and do not follow the mainstream, but, this is in fact the indie kids greatest asset. I will not name a 'famous indie', due to the fact that, if they are non-existent and have been sucked into the belief that they are being individual, whilst wearing outfits practically made of money. This is why Alexa Chung or Taylor Swift will never be indie. Contrary to popular belief, indie kids are not actually kids, they are usually in their late teens to their 30s and usually care about environmental issues such as Fracking. They express themselves how they want and are an interesting group of people as they value individual thought and opinion. This is why many indie's take up photography and playing an instrument.
Alex: Hey, look at that girl with her topshop bag... she must be indie!!
Sophia: Indie kids are not conformist, you idiot :')
*points to a girl reading Aquinas' 'Summa Theologica'*
Sophia: She's indie.
by Darknessandpolaroids December 19, 2013
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Indie Kids are probably the sickest (excuse the lingo, sickest = best looking) looking crowd of teenagers.

Indie may include:

1) Skinnie Jeans
2) Winkle Picker Shoes or fred perry shoes or topman pumps or converse
3) smart buttoned up shirts with no tie
- checkered shirts
- plain shirts
- short sleeved/long sleeved
4) cardigan, usually unbuttoned
5) V-Neck Jumper
6) tight leather jacket
7) denim jacket/shirt
8) fred perry polos or any polo buttoned up
9) smart coats

Some people get indie mixed up with Emo or Scene, but there are is alot of difference.

There is alot of hate for indie kids from the metalhead world, probably jealousy due to popularity of most indie kids :)

"there is bare indie gash here tonight"
"you look proper indie today"
"im an indie kid"
by Scrotmans February 8, 2009
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People from 16 to 29 who listen to indie music. They are cool people, careless about what other chavs and scums thing about them. Usually they are smart, they wear cool stuff, they have a nice hair cut and they are different, different is the right word. Most choices that they do is the right one. They don't like chavs, emo kids and metal. They usually have an ipod full of songs of the Arctic Monkeys, Libertines, Belle and Sebastian and stuff like that. They do not wear rbk cos it's too chaving. Being indie is being what everyone wish to be, but they cannot. The reason? You're born indie or you can become an indie kid if another indie lad shows you the way.
Indie Kid: Hey mate, do you know about the Arctic Monkeys?
Chav,emo or tard: African monkeys? Yes they are those small and funny creatures
Indie Kid: Because of tards like you this country is falling down
by Stevooooo February 17, 2007
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Listen to unmanufactured smaller labelled music - the blatently obvious bit.

they like bands such as : the strokes franz ferdinand and the cribs ( for those who werent too sure)

Many indie kids will quite easily be mistaken for an emo or scene kid - this is due to scene and emo's being newer groups, which have taken many indie attributes eg- drainpipes, blazers, polkadots and beads

Unlike emos, indies are happy and dont over do the hair ( too much spray/gel)

unlike scene kids, indies dont act childish or obsessive

indie kids can often seem arrogant, though many are not, and are actually very friendly people.

indie kids like to find bands that others have not heard of yet, and can get easily annoyed when people rave about that band once it is in the public eye (eg - arctic monkeys)
indie kids are generally quite smart and do tend to be well kept (like to look quite good, but not overdone)

indie kids like to be a little different, but more importantly like to be themselves.
i suppose myself, an indie kid would wear: drain pipe or straight legged trousers, and a blazer. my hair is parted, but not over done or covers and eye like an emo. i wear white trashed converse
but this is purely because there my favourite shoes and are so comfy because theyve been worn so much :)

a good example of a scene kid, would be very the same, but there hair would be much over done and they may wear make up ( boy ) there myspace will be well overdone, like be set out completely different and would have a good 300 friends, none of which they know, but would be other scene looking kids.

an emo : would wear either looser or drainpipes jeans and probably black converse, generally any colour but white. black shirts, infact as much black as posible, hair would be parted and go over there eye, and hair may be spiked at back. will be depressed and can be quite arrogant and morbid.
by shootums May 1, 2006
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the cool kid who finds him/herself through non-mainstream music and untrendy clothing...i think i just made up a word...but anyway.

the indie kids listen to a lot of college stations, local bands, and usually have their friend's homemade music on their ipod...because most of their friends are musicians and they are cool like that.
velle and i were sittin there on the grass in the park listening to midlife and the stills before we started to jam, but while we were sorting through our second hand clothing finds we just bought.

and before we left the house, we trimmed eachother's bangs.

they're jagged and uneven now...whoops.

we're absolutely ill.
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An indie kid is so individual that they spend their time alone in their "individual" room, Listening to all their "individual Music" Through Their large oversized "individual Headphones" whilst looking up their "individual" clothing websites, whilst brushing their individually styled hair, which they got cut at that really "original" hairdressers behind their local individual bookstore.
they're that individual (:
Those Ultra "Indie Kid" You See In Topman.
by Dynamite Napoleon May 8, 2008
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People usually associate Indie Kids with Hipsters and Scene Kids, but they're pretty different.

Indie Kids enjoy music put out by alternative rock bands and bands/artists who aren't signed to a major record label/no label at all. These can include bands such as: Bloc Party, Muse, Coldplay, Nirvana, Radiohead, Fleet Foxes, Franz Ferdinand, Kasabian, Kaiser Chiefs, The Cure, The Black Keys and The Maccabees.

They also enjoy artwork similar to what you'd find on their

favourite band's album covers.

Their clothing can be described as vintage, old fashioned, messy and sometimes just, plain.

Indie Boys have woopy or curly/messy hair. They're usually are seen wearing band t-shirts or plain shirts and t-shirts. They also wear loose, black or blue denim jeans and converse/white Lonsdale trainers. The might also wear hats like Pete Doherty of The Libertines/Babyshambles.
Indie Girls usually have with long, wavy hair often wearing some form of headband. They are usually seen wearing either: loose t-shirts and waistcoats, baggy woolly jumpers or baggy crop tops with band logos or flamboyant patterns on them.
Indie boys are often seen as being shy and quiet.
Indie girls are often seen as shy at times, yet energetic at times.
Indie Girl-"Rawr! I'm a dinosaur :P"
Indie Boy-"Um... Ok."

Person A-Did you see those too people?
Person B-Yes. They were just talking about Kasabian and Foo Fighters
Person A-They seem pretty fond of each other.
Person B-They're probably just Indie Kids
by Rhi<3 August 25, 2012
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