A small town in the north-central part of Iowa.
I am going home to visit my family in Mason City, IA.
by mizjeeray February 22, 2011
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when you're semi into anal
He's not gay but he's semi-ia.
by jack2424 March 9, 2020
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The disease for a person who's too addicted to their ipod or other mp3 to pay attention to anyone or anything and is not able to enjoy their life.
Guy 1: "Hey man, what's up with that dude? All he does is sit and play with his ipod."
Guy 2: "I don't know dude, I think he has Ipod Addiction Syndrome (IAS)."
Guy 1: "Oh. Sucks to be him."
by Olisaurus March 14, 2010
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A condition where a successor in a corporate role feels that the predecessor has been an absolute loser; everything is in shambles and it’s upon him to now start building processes and initiatives to achieve goals.
Man, I cant listen one more minute to Pete going on about how everything was such a mess before he joined. He’s got Ignoramus Asshole Syndrome (IAS).
by mangomanbunty December 9, 2021
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In English it's like: take this one (while holding your dick)
It's another Romanian trash joke
In Enghlish:
-I'm going to take some water
-Take this one
In Romanian:
-Ma duc sa iau o apa
-Ia-l si p-asta
(it's the same thing but translated in Romanian)
by Masonu de la ILYES April 14, 2021
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A term used in Warcraft II: Battle Net edition by
Literally meaning
"Good luck, have fun, don't die, kick ass, ha ha, just kidding. Go die, or else I will kick your mother fucking ass you jackass shitfaced cocklicking dicksucker. Just kidding! Or am I? No I am not kidding. Ha ha, have fun, bad luck."
It is only succesfully typed within the alotted 5 seconds approxamitely 33% of the time.
noob1: start
noob2: go
noob1: fucking start
CrimsonShadows: gl hf dd ka hh jk gd oe iw ky mf ay ja sf cl ds jk oa in ia nk hh hf bl
noob3: wot
noob1: wtf
by Niggadicks July 6, 2006
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