Dont be such a gouch dude

Babyface, you are such a gouch. Stop fucking flerting with every fat chick ever.
by Mr. Cluckerz November 18, 2016
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-verb. To gouch, gouching, gouched. ( Pronunciation: gooch )

Using some laceration or wound as an orifice with which to have sex with, an act most commonly practised in mens' prisons. A highly unsanitary, desperate way to get your rocks off while incarcerated.
"Did you hear about that kid down at the workhouse? Lost in a slice fight. They found him half dead and gouched in the arm an hour later."

by Josko May 1, 2008
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the space between the end of a woman's vagina (or cooch) and her anus
I rubbed it agains her gouche
by Anonymous April 27, 2003
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What uneducated people call the gout; a painful inflammatory condition of the joints, especially the big toe.

Not to be confused with the gooch.
by mendaliv June 27, 2010
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The area between the testicules and anus.
I like my gouch licked while you play with my balls.
by Bdoodle February 23, 2017
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When someone is beyond being a douche bag and has stepped into the realm of being a gouche. Aka. a great big douche!
Look at the guy over there he looks like a complete Gouche!
by Original Fritz January 14, 2007
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One who gobbles on another person's gouche, especially when the victim does not want his gouche gobbled upon.

Not to be confused with a Gouche Goblin, which is just a word some tard named Nate made up to hide the fact that he is a Gouche Gobbler.
Person 1: Man, the gouche gobbler got me last night while I was asleep!

Person 2: That's fucked up.
by DQ-Matthews August 2, 2010
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