get your rocks off

to give someone an orgasm. look at get my rocks off
i'd get your rocks off.
by hippy2981 December 28, 2005
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get your rocks off

To have a really good time - could be an orgasm, could be a euphoric feeling, could be a giddy state of excitement.
Friend 1: How do you get YOUR rocks off?

Friend 2: I like to looking for great bargains on Ebay. How about you?

Friend 1: I prefer to go to the waterpark and ride the Aqua-coaster until I puke.
by Hey-Johnny-Johnny June 6, 2006
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Having a margarita so good, you feel deep primal pleasure.
Do you want to get your "on the rocks" off? Then you have to have one of these Adelitas Cocina y Cantina Margaritas!"
by kj.trustedphoto April 27, 2020
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