when you suck your friends dick but its not gay cuz you got the socks on.
yo can i practice my awk awk gawk gawk 9000 skills on you
of course my g, but just keep the socks on.
ya of course my g.
by B-Monkey Obama September 22, 2020
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The type of blowjob that diagnoses you with Post Nut Propofol/Post Nut Paralysis for 10 or more minutes. Typically completed with an empty urethra as she completes it by using your dick like a straw. You will probably need to put your penis in a wheelchair afterwards, if and when you can move again. Contraceptives probably won’t be needed for the next 6 months as your sperm count will drop to -5,000. That’s right. Negative. Your nuts will owe themselves 5,000 new sperm cells.
How was it with the wife last night?
“Broooo I swear to fuck she gave me a full on Super Ultra Golden Nut Bustin Mega Ultra Gawk Gawk Gawk 5000XL+“
Daammmmn how are you able to walk right now???
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 19, 2021
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The king of all Gawk Gawk that was forbidden after its last use. Not only sucks the soul out of its "victim," but also sucks off the soul as well. Leaves one in a vacuum that disables spermatogenesis for the next month.
Dude, how have you made it this far in No Nut November?
Simple, my girlfriend gave me The Forbidden Gawk Gawk Supreme Suction Specialty 5000 on Halloween.
by HeraX September 16, 2020
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During the action of sucking a dick where the person sucking places one hand at the base of the dick and then proceeds to suck so hard it creates a vacuum seal, the person sucking then begins to deep throat twisting the wrist twice. Twisting clockwise pulling up and twisting counterclockwise going down. This move works best on larger dicks.
"Man I was hit with the best type of blow job , it was a vacuum seal double hand twist gawk gawk combo 3000 It was toe curling!"
by 10/10gay March 12, 2018
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When you feel like a gangsta so you put on blackface and dunk your balls in her grandma and drill a hole in her coochie because you are a smooth criminal and get that slop gawk from her dad
John: “Jessica was talking shit so I Lebron James dunky wunky dick driller thriller gawk gawk slop 3000‘d her ass”

James: “holy shit dude ur a smooth criminal”
by MosquitoBiteInUrEye May 11, 2023
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