Juul, also when you rip heinous ass with a boner or qc chubber.
Jerry: Aye JT, you got a bone farter?
JT: Yeah its scrapping tho!
by Bollyquinn October 24, 2019
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To perform an act of anal sex on a male or female, in my case female
Girlfriend: " No stop it, I'm on the rag "
Boyfriend: " No bother! U'll just have to take it up the farter "
by John Gaskell September 17, 2005
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A woman who farts in a low tone, or like a man.
"wow did u hear Grace last night. She's such a man farter
by Tabernaque February 25, 2008
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An Idiot who has nothing better to do than sit on a cake and fart.
Started in the land of the Retards under canada.
Video available on google of some inbred ugly chick sitting on a cake and blowing wind.

Just think, you paid good money to send them to school, looked after them and kept them out of trouble and jail. Only to go on the web and see your daughter farting on a cake.
It must make her parents weep.

Ah well, that's the result of years of inbreeding I suppose.

So my definition in full of a cake farter is:-
Mong, Retard, inbred idiot, or any other word that descibes the most stupid person your ever going to meet!!!
Google cake fart and the cake farter can clearly there be seen doing it.


For those of you to lazy to google it.
by smuje March 31, 2009
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Someone so lame that they fart pickles.

Derived from a story my dad told me from when he was in the navy during the Vietnam War. For some reason a man frequently bragged about his "cherry ass." He bragged so much that one day his coworkers shoved a pickle in his ass. The man squatted, pooped out the pickle, and cried. From then on, he was called "Pickles."
Man, that guy is so smarmy; he's a pickle farter!
by Tom July 11, 2008
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individuals who, for whatever reason, frequently pass gas, and whether or not they find it amusing, are inclined to resort to physical violence or threats of violence to quell complaints and criticism
Guy 1: Dude, how'd you get that black eye?

Guy 2: Gary clocked me in the eye after I complained about his smelly fart during the meeting.

Guy 1: He's one of those tough farters, huh?
by Saint NoWhere May 14, 2010
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A person who farts on their girlfriend's pillow.
AJ Rothert is a goddamn pillow farter.
That pillow farter gave me pink eye
by radasballs September 24, 2011
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