short for Del Playa. A beach front street in Isle Vista, steps away from the UC Santa Barbara campus. The hub for college partying, drinking, sex, and drugs. Host of the largest Halloween party I've seen every year.
Girl: What are you doing Thursday night?
Guy: Hitting up DP for some free beer, there's like 10 keggers.
by Sam January 19, 2005
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Double Penetration: when a guy takes two cocks up his ass.
Scott's ass is a man eater he needs to be DPed with two big cocks up his ass to get off.
by david000s April 15, 2009
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1. An abberviation for the term Donkey Punch.

2. The name of one of the frat aliens that visits the Aqua teen hunger force. His dad owns a dealership man.
1. I totally gave Heather a DP last night.

2. Yo man my name is DP, D to tha P, or Donkey Punch....el Donkey Punchero.
by DORFPIMP February 9, 2005
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Nina wants to have curly fries and a DP for lunch.
by notskywalker June 21, 2007
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1. Acronym for Display Picture (profile picture) on a social networking website (Facebook, Instagram)
2. Acronym for double penetration. This is when a woman gets two dicks in two different holes in her body.
1. Man, did you see Samantha's new Instagram DP? It's so hot!
2. I asked Megan if I could fuck her, but she said only if I invited a fuck-buddy to do DP.
by DefineModernShit June 19, 2014
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Department of public safety

Cops on campus work for DPS
by bbqbunny4 December 1, 2008
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In computer science, dynamic programming (short: DP) is a method for reducing the runtime of algorithms exhibiting the properties of overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure.

Mathematician Richard Bellman invented dynamic programming in 1953. The field was founded as a systems analysis and engineering topic which is recognized by the IEEE.
The problem looks too hard to solve - it must be dp!
by Your SCAR Grandpa June 26, 2006
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