A stupid-ass freeshman. Nugget cutlets are easily distinguishable by their clothing plastered with their school logo, posting pictures of themselves at their new school, and being a total n00b in every regard
"Hey man, did you just see that nugget cutlet? Man that guy will looked like the biggest fucking n00b on the planet!!11!!1!"
by Shoopalapa8008 November 16, 2011
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A game that Americans play in the kitchen: You squat down in your sink with your balls dangling down into the waste disposal. With various targets set up on the wall around the "on" switch, you then have to choose which friend you want to eliminate a target with a BB gun or dart. You can't choose the same friend twice until everyone's had a shot, and you can only leave the sink when ALL targets are hit, or when you give yourself a Nut Cutlet.
Johnny - "Dude, were you at Hank's party last night ? Jim gave Marv some mad nut cutlet !!"
by Drewbud315 September 11, 2007
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A Spork Cutlet Bowl is the most unholy object known to man. It was sculpted from a cheap block of clay, no one knew how much power it would hold. It started as a simple Katsudon sculpture, but then a spork was added giving it the ultimate power. The sheer level of gay it holds is unstoppable, it will soon become our overlord...
The homosexuals be raving about the Spork Cutlet Bowl.
by Spork Cutlet Bowl November 28, 2019
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During sex on the beach the male slips out his piece, rubs in the sand and reinserts into the unsuspecting vajayjay.
So I was banging this chic on the beach, things were going great but after i gave her the breaded chicken cutlet things got wierd.
by bigwilliestyle December 13, 2007
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When your having sex on the beach and your penis comes out, and then you stick it back in and her lips are covered in sand and when your all done, her vagina looks like breaded veal cutlets
"I heard Cliff was having se with Jane on the beach and it slipped out and he ended up giving her the breaded veal cutlet."
by Le Zench April 25, 2009
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A subtle derivation of the original breaded cutlet, Chicken Cutlet Parmigiana is only possible during the heaviest part of the female menstruation cycle and after the subject has contracted a yeast infection.

After gently dipping the ‘cutlet’ in the ‘egg batter’, remove, and then roll in ‘bread crumbs’. Re-insert quickly and rub vigorously as to shed the bloody lining of the uterus while irritating the yeast infection to a froth of ‘cheese’. Viola, Chicken Cutlet Parmigiana!
Chip: "Even after going out with Cindy for two years, she still won't have sex with me during her period."

Dale: "Bummer."

Chip: "No worries, I'm gonna feed her a Chicken Cutlet Parmigiana down at Coney Island."

Dale: "High-Five!"
by Morgan Slizzles November 22, 2006
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