18 definitions by Drewbud315

The cool dude emoticon on MSN with teh shades - teh best emoticon EVER !!
Malcolm: DUDE !! you ROCK !!
Drew: (H)
by Drewbud315 November 15, 2007
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Dialect used by non - educated young adults on the internet, typically characterised by the use of words such as "teh," "waht" and "liek" and also characterised by an abundance of typos, such as missing the shift key for punctuation.
N00bspeek: ZOMFG !!!1! teh video is so FAKE lolzwaht a n00b!!!11!!one!!1!eleven!
by Drewbud315 August 27, 2007
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To take a pass of a joint and get saliva all over the roach then pass it to a friend dripping with spit.
"Don't give the joint to malcolm dude, he'll total buttsuck it"
by Drewbud315 September 11, 2007
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Any location that is dirty, skanky, run down, disease ridden, full of junk, or characterised by the state of a heroin addict's flat.
"I'm no goin' back to the Raploch, that place is a fuckin' Smackhole."
by Drewbud315 May 4, 2007
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The deciding moment during a crap, just before climax, when you know everything is going to be just fine. The riddance of the bulk of your intestinal content, the epitome of a satisfying shit.
"Aww dude, I thought I was having to go back to that chick last night with a clumpf... but just as I was losing all hope of scoring, I reached point break out of the blue and blasted that shit to hell!"
by Drewbud315 September 11, 2007
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Do not take the other definitions for this seriously. This piece of equipment definetelt does NOT harness the power of a laptop, nor is it the coolest thing ever invented (just read the specs, boys and girls.) For the ammount of hype surrounding it, it seems to lack ALOT of the features we take for granted in todays mobile phones. eg. video recording, MP3 ringtones, instant messaging, only to name a few. The features available on an iphone have actually been available on portable devices at much more reasonable prices for years, yet all it takes is apple to create an iperbole around it, then suddenly everyone thinks it's the only device that harnesses these features.
This is exactly what happened when the ipod was released - all it takes is a ridiculously funded advertising scheme to make people think that ipods are the best choice for a portable media player - when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. apple products are merely fasion accessories. be sure to wikipedia "iphone"
by Drewbud315 September 11, 2007
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