OR "clowned"
To be shot or KOed, usally when someone drops after they ben shot or KOed, they feet stick up lika clown
by ABK November 4, 2002
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A drunk, pale, retard who deserves to be killed in brutal, painful ways.
by person yo-yo June 29, 2003
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Someone who is pretentious in appearance and behavior on purpose, usually for professional reasons.
...became a circus clown
-Billy Joel, "Leningrad"

He's a professional clown.

We hired a clown for the party.
by no_shot August 24, 2004
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one who sells shirts that are too small for the buyer to wear
That clown just sold Brent a shirt that's too damn small.
by Ryan, Nathan, and Brent June 1, 2006
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A creepy animal that thinks he's part of pop culture.
There's more to being a clown than lacking skin pigment.
by TanooKirby June 10, 2003
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